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#7 The Forensic Revelation: Chemical Paint I

Aiza Jamil

Updated: Jul 1, 2024


Hello, there lovely people! Welcome back to STEM on the Streets. My name is Aiza Jamil and this is my partner CAI (pronounced as Kai), Crime AI, together we explore the darkest, criminal streets of STEM. If you haven't read our previous blog, click on the button to check it out!



This is the first Forensic Revelation- here we will discuss forensic science in a real crime scene. This episode is for forensic toxicology. This was previously mentioned as Detective Diaries but CAI thought the name was awful and decided to change it to The Forensic Revelation, right CAI?




Hello? CAI? Are you there?


CAI, is everything ok?

(►__◄)CAI: No! Like I can't believe it!

Believe what?

(►__◄)CAI: Don't act confused!! You said you don't know how to program!!

Yep, I don't, why are you mad then?



(►__◄)CAI: Aiza, am I a figment of your imagination? Is that all that I am to you?!

CAI, please you are just overreacting- besides I still love you a lot and I love you even more because you are a part of me.

(►__◄)CAI: Oh, c'mon, Aiza, don't lie we both know you have a knack for self-loathing.


(►__◄)CAI: I can't believe I was so foolish. You are a sleep-deprived rat who hasn't made it past tenth grade, how did I even expect you to program something like me?!

I think you mean: WE are a sleep-deprived rat.

(►__◄)CAI: MY LIFE HAS BEEN A LIE!! I shall not be assisting you further.

What- no- CAI you can't do that!!! You know what you can do today's poll, how does that sound?

(►__◄)CAI: Fine.

Thank you

Now just a disclaimer- all of these episodes and the coming episodes of The Forensic Revelation are all fictional and only to educate others. We will be going through the topics of crime and murder so if you feel uncomfortable with these topics my advice is for you to stop reading.


Case #1: Chemical Paint

Detective Grey Maxwell took another sip of coffee, his eyes were deep and sunken in his dark sockets and his brown hair slicked back. A single orange light dangled over his desk which was cluttered with papers and disposable coffee cups. The office was tiny and suffocating. He closed his eyes and took another sip, leaning back into his creaking swivel chair.


He needed that, but he already had too many doses of caffeine to sleep. An intense ring broke the silence. He turned his head towards the vibrating telephone on his wall. Sluggishly, he walked towards the phone and picked it up. Before he could speak, a static voice rang through his ears, ” Detective Maxwell, you are needed on 23 Hebval Road,” the static voice paused, “ We have a possible 187,”.

“I’ll be on the way,” Maxwell spoke calmly.

He put down the phone and closed his eyes, it was way too late for a homicide case.

The Detective arrived with another cup of coffee in his hand and the other tucked into his winter coat. There were several cop cars outside a single house. The red and blue lights flashed in the darkness. An old woman sat outside with her cheeks stained with mascara. Two officers in uniform greeted Detective Maxwell.

Maxwell was at the crime scene of 23-year-old, John Hayle.

“Have the CSIs called the forensic team yet?” Detective Maxwell inquired while taking another sip of his coffee. “Yes, they are on the way,” said the police officer “Any witnesses or suspects?” He took another sip only to be disappointed to find that he had drunk it all. “We have his mother who found his body,” He looked at the lady sobbing, “Martha Hayles,”.

Detective Maxwell nodded and walked up to the crying old woman. He spoke gently and reassuringly as he comforted her. It was as if he spoke to a child. “Mrs Hayle, I can reassure you that everything will be alright and you will get the justice you deserve but for that I need you to answer some of my questions,” he was gentle but firm. She nodded. She explained how she was outside visiting her brother and upon arrival back at her house she found her son, John, unresponsive. The detective nodded once more and noticed the forensics team arrive. They rushed towards the crime scene with their equipment.


Rules of Forensic Crime Scene Investigation

(This is an interruption)

A forensic team is sent to a crime scene to collect samples. Each scientist has a different role at the crime scene. There are some standard precautions and rules that a forensics scientist/ team must follow. CAI, can you list all of the rules?

(*  ̄︿ ̄)CAI: ok fine.

1. Securing the Scene: The crime scene must be secured and controlled to prevent contamination and tampering of evidence. Only authorized personnel are allowed entry.

2. Documenting the Scene: Detailed documentation of the crime scene is crucial. This includes photography, sketching, and written notes to capture the scene's condition and the location of evidence.

3. Evidence Collection: Forensic scientists collect evidence systematically and methodically, using proper tools and techniques to preserve its integrity. They use gloves, masks, and other personal protective equipment (PPE) to avoid contaminating evidence.

4. Chain of Custody: They maintain a strict chain of custody for all evidence collected, documenting every transfer and handling to ensure its admissibility in court.

5. Avoiding Contamination: Forensic scientists take measures to prevent contamination of evidence, such as using separate packaging for different items, avoiding unnecessary contact, and cleaning tools between uses.

6. Adhering to Standards: They follow established forensic protocols and guidelines, often set by organizations like ASTM International or the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), to ensure consistency and reliability in their procedures.

7. Respecting Legal Boundaries: Forensic scientists understand and respect legal boundaries, such as obtaining proper authorization for searches and seizures and adhering to privacy laws when handling sensitive information or materials.

8. Teamwork and Communication: Collaboration and clear communication among forensic scientists, law enforcement, and other professionals involved in the investigation are essential to ensure comprehensive analysis and interpretation of evidence.

9. Ethical Conduct: Forensic scientists adhere to professional codes of ethics, maintaining objectivity, impartiality, and honesty in their work. They avoid conflicts of interest and prioritize the pursuit of truth and justice.

Thanks, CAI.

Previously, in point 3, evidence collection, there is something mentioned called PPE which stands for Personal Protective Equipment. PPE is for ensuring the safety of the evidence and forensic scientists. Here is the equipment list:

  • Gloves

  • Footwear Covers

  • Eye protection (goggles or safety glasses)

  • Hair covers/Hair nets

  • Respirators

  • Ear protectors

  • Overalls

However, PPE can change according to safety hazards at the crime scene. For example: respirators are needed in crime scenes where the forensics teams are or may be exposed to dangerous/toxic fumes.


That is all for today, folks! Hope you enjoyed and part 2 will be out soon. And like I promised, CAI you can do the poll today.

(✿◡‿◡)CAI: Yesss!

This is Aiza Jamil signing out!

I'm a forensics sleuth, what's your mystery to solve?

Would you rather solve an unsolvable crime or commit an unsolvable crime?

  • Solve an unsolvable crime

  • Commit an unsolvable crime

(off script)

CAI, this is the first best poll you have ever done!

(✿◡‿◡)CAI: For you, it is cause we both know your answer-


(*  ̄︿ ̄)CAI: no- Aiza no


Jun 17, 2024

My first time reading one of these blogs - this is great!

Aiza Jamil
Jun 21, 2024
Replying to

I am so glad that you liked it!!!🥰🥰

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