It has been a while since my last blog post but I have many new topics to write about, so be prepared for many new blogs!
For those of you who are both science and technology lovers, this field of biology combines the two disciplines of STEM in a new and upcoming field. Biotechnology is everywhere, from medicine to agriculture. Biotech is so unique in that it uses our own human nature to heal others and create cures. Biotechnology allows scientists to tailor treatments to each, individual patient. By creating unique treatments, physicians are able to reduce side effects and minimize any health risks.

CRISPR-cas9 is a gene editing technique that allows us to cut out a target piece of DNA and insert a new, more favorable piece of DNA. CRISPR-cas9 allows scientists to cut out a harmful strand of DNA and save a patient's life with a newly inserted strand of DNA. You most likely have heard CRISPR curing Sickle Cell Anemia, well here's how it works.

Firstly, sickle cell disease is where red blood cells are misshapen which can consequently cause a blockage of blood flow or a blood clot. The edited stem cells are transplanted into the patient and begin making their own red blood cells. This increases the hemoglobin levels of the patient, allowing the patient's sickle cell symptoms to subside as these levels continue to rise. While there are many ethical debates regarding this gene-editing process, it very clearly shows the potential of the biotechnology field.
When you first think of biotechnology, you may only consider its applications in medicine, but this discipline of biology is also used in a variety of fields. With the use of biotechnology, scientists are able to use biofuels to cut greenhouse emissions by 52%. Scientists are also able to reduce water usage and overall improve manufacturing efficiency. In agriculture, biotechnology has helped to increase crop growth by decreasing the amount of resources required to grow crops. Crops grown through biotech processes require fewer pesticides. These crops are also able to have enhanced nutrition profiles, solving many nutrition deficiencies.
This is a relatively new field of biology that can be applied to various different fields. If you are interested in biology research but also hope to dabble in agriculture or medicine, consider the field of biotech.
Works Cited:
Heidt, Amanda. “CRISPR Gene Editing Prompts Chaos in DNA of Human Embryos.” The Scientist Magazine®, 26 June 2020,
What is Biotechnology? | BIO.