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Biology Fun Facts: Halloween Edition

Saulene Sebeda

Updated: Nov 7, 2024

For the spooky season, here are some fun (or really eerie) facts about biology!

  1. 99% of the human body is empty space

  2. 90% of cells in the human body are not even human

  3. An enzyme found in pineapple bromelain, digests protein found in your body---essentially eating you back!

  4. Your brain can actually play tricks on you! Ever felt like someone’s watching you when no one’s there? That’s called scopaesthesia, and your brain creates this sensation based on subtle environmental cues.

  5. Zombie parasites exist! The fungus Ophiocordyceps infects ants, takes over their nervous systems, and makes them climb high to release spores.

  6. Your gut microbes can affect your mood. Some gut bacteria are able to produce neurotransmitters, meaning that your mind may be affected by creatures living inside you!

  7. Octopi can edit their own genes. They alter RNA in their neurons, possibly to adapt quickly to new environments.

  8. Plants can communicate—and scream. Under stress, plants emit ultrasonic sounds that other plants can detect. You can’t hear it, but nearby plants might!

  9. Bacteria can swap their own genes, almost like trading cards! This occurs through a process called horizontal gene transfer.

  10. Some species of jellyfish, like the Turritopsis dohrnii, can clone themselves. Imagine if this cellular trick made it to humans!

And there you have it—some spooky facts about biology! Whether it's the unsettling realization that you're mostly empty space, a walking host for microbes, or a snack for pineapples, biology is full of creepy surprises lurking beneath the surface. Stay curious, stay spooked, and don't let the enzymes catch you! 👻🎃


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