We all love thinking about our favorite memories. The first time we heard our favorite song when we were 9, we still remember the lyrics! Wearing our favorite pair of shoes and hanging out with our friends at our favorite spot. it's all in our heads, even after so many years. How is that possible? Today we will
discuss about it in our today's blog Neuroscience - science behind memories
We continue to make new memories and culminate our experiences together in our minds but how is it that nothing changes even

after long periods of not visiting that particular neural pathway? The ability of preservation.
All our neurons are in constant communication with each other. You may not even realize it! In simple terms, there are wave patterns that occur in the hippocampus and the way this pattern is established allows a selection of particular impulses that have been decided to be permanently stored, some aren't.
You can try it out right now! Any memory of yours, maybe a little old, just think about it. You may face a slight issue. You cannot remember every single detail about it, unless you have photographic memory which is so cool but not common! Mostly, you'd remember specific details or feelings of going through that experience and not the whole experience. This is all the work of your mind!
Of-course there's the difference between long term and short term memory, that's pretty simple isn't it. Our most common day to day ongoings would most likely be stored in your short term memory bank. The long term memory bank however, is pretty selective. But not always.
Sometimes, your brain stores memories that aren't accessible to you due to a multitude of reasons. If you are curious about that, continue reading!
There are so many things that are constantly occurring in your life. You might not even know what small fraction of that you'd like to remember. But only when I said that there are memories you haven't been able to access unless triggered, that was the trigger! Now that's what you're thinking of!
In this way, you can reverse psychology yourself to think about things you wouldn't on your most normal day. But hey, reflection isn't a bad thing. Don't forget to live in the moment though! Your memories are unique. Some are lost, those you cannot help but treasure the ones that you frequently come in contact with! Even if it might just be in your dreams. Oh the sweet subconscious world.
I was reading my journal section of April and I almost forgot about half the events that were written there...