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#22 The Golden Genes: The GSK II

Aiza Jamil

golden genes

Hello, and welcome back, folks, to another episode of STEM on the Streets! If you are new here, my name is Aiza, and this is my partner CAI (crime Ai), together, we stroll through the criminal-ridden streets of STEM!

If you haven't read the previous episode, click on the button to read it!



This episode contains sensitive themes and triggers: violence, sexual assault, home invasion, and other sensitive topics.

 Reader discretion is advised.

To approach these sensitive themes of gruesome violence respectfully, I will not delve into graphic details of the crimes. Instead, I will focus on the forensic aspects of the case. For those seeking more detailed information, I will provide links to sources below.


The Makings of the East Area Rapist

Joseph DeAngelo, the infamous Visalia Ransacker, known for two shootings and multiple burglaries was on a crime high. But the thrill of burglaries was soon fading, he needed something new, something thrilling and this desire led to the rise of the East Area Rapist.

DeAngelo soon moved to Sacramento where things took a turn for the worst and where the thirst for this high or thrill as one may call it, intensified and was sufficed. DeAngelo began committing sexual assault in 1976, the very year he moved to Sacramento. Originally, his assaults were believed to be done by different people until the modus operandi had been identified. DeAngelo would specifically break into houses with couples, though he originally started with women living alone, then he would make the women tie the men so tight that their skin would turn black. Upon the backs of these men, dishes or perfume would be stacked as a unique alarm system so that DeAngelo would know if the men had tried to escape or inform another person. This was also an intimidation technique, a way of asserting control and manipulating the victims. Some report that he would also eat and steal food from the victims’ fridges. 

Another interesting thing about this is that some suspect that DeAgelo’s violent sexual assaults were due to past trauma of breaking off an engagement with an ex-fiance, Bonnie Jean Colwell, though this was only one of the many incidents that had led him to such violent actions. There was an incident reported where DeAngelo had broken into tears in front of one of his victims saying: “I hate you, Bonnie, hate you, I hate you, I hate you.”

Later, DeAngelo moved to Southern California where his crimes had further escalated from sexual assault to murder. DeAngelo began his murder spree in 1979 and it ended in 1986 when DeAngelo managed to kill 10 victims and earned the name of the Original Nightstalker. DeAngelo had a very specific way of murdering his victims, he’d either shoot them or bludgeon them. 

(✿◡‿◡)CAI:  Bludgeoning is the act of brutally striking one up with a heavy object with the aim of inflicting injury or death. Honestly, it is a very cruel and angry way of killing someone. Yeah, for sure. When you bludgeon someone, you're almost guaranteed to get blood on you. And it is crazy but for him to do such a cruel act for entertainment or just to get some kind of thrill, shows just how angry and inhuman someone can be.

Then he stopped. Disappeared, even, in 1981.

Until 1986

His final and most brutal murder was that of 18-year-old Janelle Cruz, on May 4th. Her family was gone on vacation to Mexico, leaving her alone in a large, empty house. Cruz was sexually assaulted and brutally bludgeoned with a pipe wrench in her home which was for sale at that time. The realtors found her body, almost unrecognizable, on her bed when they were bringing a buyer to show the house. It is said that Cruz was beaten so badly that her teeth were entangled in her hair and buried in the flesh of her very lungs.

Nobody knows why DeAngelo took five five-year break, some speculate it was because of his growing age and others say it was to focus on his family and children yet we aren’t sure. 

But even after his final murder, he did stop terrorizing his victims. He would usually call and threaten victims over the phone. His final call-in was in 2001. A day after the article in The Sacramento Bee linked the Original Niggth Stalker and the East Area Rapist, one of DeAngelo’s victims received a call in which he spoke: “Remember when we played?”


The Arrest

Years after his case went cold, until Paul Holes. Paul Holes started off as a criminologist until he wandered upon a section of cold cases labeled as E.A.R. (East Area Rapist). Soon enough, Holes was hooked and determined to find the infamous assailant. Holes were able to collect DNA samples of the Golden State Killer or E.A.R. as E.A.R. had left loads of biological fluids during his home invasions and crimes. Once they had the DNA samples, it was time to locate suspects or potential matches. 

joseph deangelo
Joseph DeAngelo (picture from the Los Angeles Times)

Holes discovered this DNA website available to the public known as GEDmatch, where individuals could trace ancestry, heritage, and relatives. Holes was able to narrow down potential matches, eventually leading down to Joseph DeAngelo. But then came the tricky part, getting a DNA sample from DeAngelo. This was difficult as law enforcement had to keep an eye on DeAngelo in public spaces, waiting for him to discard anything that could contain some of his genetic information and they had to do it in public spaces as that was the only way they were allowed to collect DeAngelo’s DNA. Soon enough they did and it was later announced that it was a hundred percent match and DeAngelo was arrested in 2018 and is currently serving 26 lifetimes in prison.

The use of GEDmatch and other DNA-related websites by law enforcement in this case is a highly debated topic as some believe it violates privacy. You see, DNA is your body’s ID card and the way you can’t just show anyone your ID card is the same way you can’t go around handing out private genetic information. For instance, if someone has a genetic predisposition to a disease that runs in their family, insurance companies might refuse to offer coverage if they learn about it. The possibility of this disease could lead them to assume the individual might be trying to manipulate the system.


Well, that is all for today's episode! Next episode we'll be diving further into another crime scene and how professionals work!!

This is Aiza Jamil signing out!

I am a forensics sleuth, what's your mystery to solve?

Citings (If you are interested you can click the button and find out more about his case)


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